List currently configured quotas. The syntax of this command is: Dirquota Quota List List all quotas on the machine. Dirquota ...

List currently configured quotas.  The syntax of this command is:  Dirquota Quota List           List all quotas on the machine.  Dirquota Quota List [/Path:PATH [/Effective|/Restrictive]                     [/Status:{Enabled|Disabled}] [/Type:{Hard|Soft}]                     [/SourceTemplate:TEMPLATE] [/TemplateMatch:{Yes|No}]                     [/MinUsed:USAGE[%%|kb|mb|gb]] [/Show-Recycled]                     [/List-Notifications] [/Remote:MACHINE]     /Path:PATH                 List only quotas configured on path PATH. The                               following wildcards are supported:                                  \.   - Folder specified by PATH                                  \*   - All immediate subfolders of PATH                                  \... - All recursive subfolders under PATH                               No wildcards are supported if /Effective or                               /Restrictive are specified.     /Effective                 List only quotas configured at or above PATH.     /Restrictive               List only the most restrictive quota on PATH.     /Status:{Enabled|Disabled} List only quotas with a particular status.                                  Enabled  - Quotas are enforced                                  Disabled - Quotas are disabled     /Type:{Hard|Soft}          List only quotas of the specified type.                                  Hard - Quotas with a hard limit                                  Soft - Quotas with a soft limit     /SourceTemplate:TEMPLATE   List only quotas derived from template TEMPLATE.     /TemplateMatch:{Yes|No}    List only quotas based on source template match.                                  Yes - Quotas match source template                                  No  - Quotas do not match source template     /MinUsed:USAGE             List only quotas with minimum usage USAGE. By                               default USAGE is in KB, but "%%", "kb", "mb", and                               "gb" can be appended to specify other units.     /Show-Recycled             Also list quotas for folders in the recycle bin.     /List-Notifications        Include notification details for each quota.     /Remote:MACHINE            Perform the operation on machine MACHINE.  Examples:    Dirquota Quota List     Dirquota Quota List /Path:D:\users\... /Type:Soft     Dirquota Quota List /Remote:FILESERVER1
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