Specifies whether to prevent Terminal Services from creating session-specific temporary folders. You can use this setting ...

"Specifies whether to prevent Terminal Services from creating session-specific temporary folders. 

You can use this setting to disable the creation of separate temporary folders on a remote computer for each session. By default, Terminal Services creates a separate temporary folder for each active session that a user maintains on a remote computer. Unless otherwise specified, these temporary folders are in %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings	emp\. 

If the status is set to Enabled, per-session temporary folders are not created. Instead, users' temporary files are stored in a common Temp directory for each user on the server (by default, %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings	emp). 

If the status is set to Disabled, per-session temporary folders are always created, even if the administrator specifies otherwise in the Terminal Services Configuration tool. 

If the status is set to Not Configured, per-session temporary folders are created unless otherwise specified by the server administrator."
English (United States)