Remaps the color intensities of the input bitmap based on a transfer function generated by a user specified list of values for each RGBA channel.
Reliable Multicast Protocol. An implemention of the Pragmatic General Multicast Protocol (Pgm) for adding a degree of reliability ...
Relog creates new performance logs from data in existing performance logs by changing the sampling rate and/or converting ...
Remaining time in minutes before the parent application goes into Notification Mode. For volume clients, this is the remaining ...
Remaps the color intensities of the input bitmap based on a discrete function generated by a user specified list of values ...
Remaps the color intensities of the input bitmap based on a transfer function generated by a user specified list of values ...
Remaps the color intensities of the input bitmap based on a user specified gamma transfer function for each RGBA channel. ...
Remaps the color intensities of the input bitmap based on a user specified linear transfer function for each RGBA channel. ...
Remarks: - Add a new mainmode rule to the firewall policy. - Rule name should be unique and cannot be "all". - Computerpsk ...
Remarks: - Rule name should be unique and cannot be "all". - When mode=tunnel,tunnel endpoints must be specified, except ...