This command starts a new build on the build computer. Syntax - TfsBuild start /collection:teamProjectCollectionUrl /buildDefinition:definitionSpec ...

This command starts a new build on the build computer.

Syntax -
TfsBuild start /collection:teamProjectCollectionUrl
               /buildDefinition:definitionSpec [/dropLocation:dropLocation]
               [/getOption:getOption] [/priority:priority]
               [/customGetVersion:versionSpec] [/requestedFor:userName] 
               [/msBuildArguments:args] [/queue] [/shelveset:name [/checkin]]
TfsBuild start teamProjectCollectionUrl teamProject definitionName
               [/dropLocation:dropLocation] [/getOption:getOption]
               [/priority:priority] [/customGetVersion:versionSpec]
               [/requestedFor:userName] [/msBuildArguments:args] [/queue]
               [/shelveset:name [/checkin]] [/silent]

teamProjectCollectionUrl    The url to the Team Project Collection used for build(s).
teamProject                 The team project to use for the build.
definitionName              The name of the build definition in the team project to
                            use for the build.
definitionSpec              The specification of the build definition to use for 
                            the build.
[dropLocation]              The drop location to use for the build.
[getOption]                 The GetOption to use for the build. Valid values are
                            LatestOnQueue, LatestOnBuild, and Custom.
[customGetVersion]          The version specification to use when GetOption is 
[priority]                  The QueuePriority to use for the build. Valid values
                            are Low, BelowNormal, Normal, AboveNormal, and High.
[requestedFor]              The user on behalf of whom the build is requested.
[msBuildArguments]          The command-line arguments to be passed to MSBuild.
[queue]                     Insert the build request into the build queue and
                            return immediately.
[shelveset]                 Include a shelveset into the build. 
[checkin]                   Check in the shelveset after successful build.
[silent]                    Do not write output to the console while the build is 