class BgpRoutingPolicyConfig { string RoutingDomain Specifies the alphanumeric ID of the Routing Domain / Tenant. string ...

class BgpRoutingPolicyConfig
    string       RoutingDomain                 Specifies the alphanumeric ID of the Routing Domain / Tenant.
    string       PolicyName                       Specifies the unique alphanumeric ID of the Routing policy
    string       PolicyType                         Specifies the type of the routing policy
    string       MatchPrefix[]                     Specifies the list of prefixes, routes to which are to be selected for processing
    string       IgnorePrefix[]                     Specifies the list of prefixes, routes to which are not to be selected for processing
    uint32      MatchASNRange[]            Specifies the lower and upper range of ASN values, routes containing which are to be selected for processing
    string       MatchCommunity[]           Specifies the list of community attribute values, routes containing which are to be selected for processing       
    ipaddress MatchNextHop[]               Specifies the list of IPAddresses, routes containing which are to be selected for processing
    ipaddress NewNextHop                    Specifies the IPAddress, that is to be set as Next-Hop for the selected routes
    uint32      NewLocalPref                    Specifies the Local-Pref value, that is to be set for the selected routes
    uint32      NewMED                           Specifies the MED value, that is to be set for the selected routes
    bool         ClearMED                          Specifies whether the MED value is to be cleared / removed from the selected routes
    string       AddCommunity[]               Specifies the list of community attribute values, that are to be set for the selected routes
    string       RemoveCommunity[]        Specifies the list of community attribute values, that are to be removed from the selected routes