Enter a mathematical comparison symbol for the break unit, such as the less than sign (<). For example, you can use a break unit to specify that if the number of miles is below 100, the rate is 80 USD.
Enter a hire rule date to override the date of the employee's enrollment in the variable plan. If the hire rule on the variable ...
Enter a legal entity and customer account. This is the legal entity of the payment. The payment will be generated for this ...
Enter a leverage factor to control the leverage that is applied to award calculations for all employees who are enrolled ...
Enter a limit for the maximum quantity of items that can be reported as finished on a job. If a larger quantity is entered ...
Enter a mathematical comparison symbol for the break unit, such as the less than sign (<). For example, you can use a break ...
Enter a message to display on the invoice for physical gift card sales, or in the email message for electronic gift card ...
Enter a name and description for the journal. Note that the %1 button is enabled only after you have entered identifying ...
Enter a name for each budget cycle that uses the budget cycle time span. For example, if you mapped the length of the budget ...
Enter a name for the electronic signature requirement. We recommend using a name that describes the process requiring a signature. ...