The file '|' already exists.@Do you want to replace the existing file? If you want to compact or convert to a different file name, click No. Enter the new file name after the /compact or /convert option in the command line, and run the command again.@@20@@@2
The field name you entered exceeds the 64-character limit of the LinkMasterFields property.@When you use the Relationships ...
The fields you selected contain different types of data. You must select fields that have the same type of data, such as ...
The file '%1' could not be created. Verify that you have the correct permissions and that the file is not locked or read-only, ...
The file '[2]' cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file '[3]'. This could indicate a network ...
The file '|' already exists.@Do you want to replace the existing file? If you want to compact or convert to a different file ...
The file '|' is incompatible. |9 needs to be reinstalled.@Run Setup to reinstall |9. If you want to preserve your security ...
The file 2][3 is being held in use{ by the following process: Name: 4], Id: 5], Window Title: '[6]'}. Close that application ...
The file cannot be attached because it exceeds the maximum file size that has been set for this site. For information about ...
The file does not exist.@You do not have adequate permission to modify the data access page link to point to a valid file. ...