Select the budget type to use when this budget code is selected for a budget register entry. Use Original budget type when ...

Select the budget type to use when this budget code is selected for a budget register entry. Use Original budget type when you are creating an initial budget amount for an account. Use the Transfer type when you are moving a budget amount from one account to another. Use the Revision type when you are changing the budget amount for an account. Use this budget type after you have posted an original budget register entry for the account. Use the Encumbrance type when you are manually creating an encumbrance, which is an obligation to pay a vendor. Use this budget type to reserve budget funds so that actual expenses do not exceed the budgeted amount for an account. Use the Pre-encumbrance type when you are manually creating a pre-encumbrance, which is an obligation to pay for a purchase that is likely to occur in the future. Use this budget type to reserve budget funds so that actual expenses do not exceed the budgeted amount for an account. Use the Carry-forward budget type when you are moving budget amounts from one fiscal year to the next. Use the Project type when you are transferring project budget forecasts to the general ledger. Use the Fixed assets type when you are transferring fixed asset budget forecasts to the general ledger. Use the Demand forecast type when you are transferring demand budget forecasts to the general ledger. Use the Supply forecast type when you are transferring sales budget forecasts to the general ledger. Use the Preliminary budget type when you are creating a preliminary budget for an account when the actual budget is being reviewed and approved. Use the Apportionments type to show the difference between budgeted amounts and amounts that are approved for spending. For example, a public sector organization might have an original budget of 10,000.00 for an account and use this budget type to approve 5000.00 for spending. Only the amount that is apportioned can be spent.
English (United States)