A connection could not be established to the device. To view the last known properties of the device or to modify the connection information, click OK.
A BTS MIME error was encountered when attempting to decode an AS2 message. AS2-From: {0}, AS2-To: {1}, MessageId: {2}, Error: ...
A business process defines how the information from RFID tags is processed and stored. You can create and manage processes, ...
A call to retrieve the list of fact retrievers on the constraint administration component failed with the following error. ...
A connection could not be established to the device. Either the device is offline or the given credentials were incorrect.{0}Reason ...
A connection could not be established to the device. To view the last known properties of the device or to modify the connection ...
A connection is not possible to the specified device as the name of the provider is null. Specify a valid provider name in ...
A custom wrapper for this COM component has been installed on your machine after you added this reference. This wrapper may ...
A data dimension cannot be defined. Please define at least one alias of text business data before defining a data dimension. ...
A data item or milestone with the same name already exists. Please choose a different name for the data item or milestone. ...