For this user, the value of the msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress or the SIP address in the ProxyAddresses field in your local Active Directory isn't unique. Correct the value in your local Active Directory.
For this user, the value of the msRTCSIP-Line field is not in the correct format. Correct the format in your local Active ...
For this user, the value of the msRTCSIP-Line field isn't in the correct format. Correct the format in your local Active ...
For this user, the value of the msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress field is not in the correct format. Correct the format in your ...
For this user, the value of the msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress field isn't in the correct format. Correct the format in your ...
For this user, the value of the msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress or the SIP address in the ProxyAddresses field in your local ...
For this user, the value of the msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress or the SIP address in the ProxyAddresses field in your local ...
For this user, the value of the SIP address in msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress is not the same as the SIP address in ProxyAddresses. ...
For this user, the value of the SIP address in the ProxyAddresses field in your local Active Directory is not in the correct ...
For this user, the value of the SIP address in the ProxyAddresses field in your local Active Directory isn't in the correct ...