SMS Hierarchy Manager cannot reinstall the SMS Site Component Manager under the new service account and password.%12 Possible ...

%11SMS Hierarchy Manager cannot reinstall the SMS Site Component Manager under the new service account and password.%12

Possible cause: The service account and password are not valid.
Solution: Specify a valid service account and password using the SMS Administrator console.

Possible cause: The account does not have Administrator permissions and "Log on as a service" rights.
Solution: Ensure that the service account is directly or indirectly in the administrator's group on the site server and has 'Logon as a service' rights. 

Possible cause: The new service account is disabled.
Solution: Enable the account.

Possible cause: Due to an OS error, the SMS Site Component Manager is marked for deletion.
Solution: Perform a site reset and then reboot the site server to recover from this error.%0
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