To be a Parent, a culture must be able to fall back to the Invariant culture within {0} steps. Unfortunately, the {1} culture has too deep of a fallback chain. Please select a different culture.
Timeouts larger than Int32.MaxValue TotalMilliseconds (approximately 24 days) cannot be honored. To disable timeout, specify ...
Title cannot be positioned since the following chart area is missing: '{0}'. Add the chart area with specified name, or set ...
To add components to your class, drag them from the Toolbox and use the Properties window to set their properties. To create ...
To align data points to X axis labels all series must have XValueIndexed property set to true or use only zero XValue for ...
To be a Parent, a culture must be able to fall back to the Invariant culture within {0} steps. Unfortunately, the {1} culture ...
To be able to retrieve schema for a command the names and types of the parameters must be specified. For each parameter choose ...
To be XML serializable, types which inherit from {2} must have an implementation of Add({1}) at all levels of their inheritance ...
To change the data store for your application, exit the Security Wizard, and click on the Provider Configuration tab. You ...
To edit templates, type text and drag controls from the Toolbox onto the template. To end template editing, right-click anywhere ...