Examine alerts list for other related alerts such as: Replication is broken. Domain controller time is out of sync. DFSR ...

  1. Examine alerts list for other related alerts such as:
    • Replication is broken.
    • Domain controller time is out of sync.
    • DFSR and/or NTFRS services are not running.
  2. Identify and troubleshoot related DNS problems:
    1. Logon to affected Domain controller.
    2. Open System Event Log.
    3. If events 5774, 5775 or 5781 are present, see Troubleshooting Domain Controller Locator DNS Records Registration Failure
  3. Identify and troubleshoot related Windows Time Service Issues:
    1. Ensure Windows Time service is running: Run 'net start w32time' on the affected Domain Controller.
    2. Restart Windows Time Service: Run 'net stop w32time' then 'net start w32time' on the affected Domain Controller.