Usage: AXUtil.exe command command-parameter Supported commands: export - Export a model to an .axmodel file. import - Import ...

Usage: AXUtil.exe command command-parameter 

Supported commands:

  export - Export a model to an .axmodel file.
  import - Import a model from an .axmodel file.
  delete - Delete one or more models in a layer.
  create - Create a new blank model.
  move - Move a model to another same-layer model.
  view - View the content of a model or an .axmodel file.
  edit - Edit the model manifest properties of a model in the model store.
  list - Display a list of models in the model store.
  exists - Verify if one or more models in a layer contains model elements.
  schema - Create or update the model store schema.
  optimize - Optimize the model store for runtime performance.
  manifest - Retrieve the manifest for a model, model file, or template.
  set - Set model store settings.
  grant - Set permissions for creating model store schema.
  exportstore - Export the model store to an .axmodelstore file.
  importstore - Import the model store from an .axmodelstore file.
  genLicense - Generate a license file.
  idkeep - Retain the ID of the existing installation.

Supported command-parameters:

  axutil export {/model: | @modelxml} /file:filename [/key:SNK-file]
  axutil import /file:filename{,filename}
                [/conflict:{reject|push|overwrite} [/targetlayer:name]]
                [/replace:{,}] [/createparents]
                [/verbose] [/noOptimize] [/noPrompt]
  axutil delete {/model: | @modelxml | /layer:name}
                [/noPrompt] [/verbose]
  axutil create {/model: /layer:name } | @modelxml
  axutil move {/model: | @modelxml /targetModel:}
  axutil view {/model: | @modelxml | /file:filename} [/verbose]
  axutil edit {/model: | @modelxml} 
  axutil list [{/model: | @modelxml}] [/layer:name] [/verbose]
  axutil exists {/model: | @modelxml | /layer:name}
  axutil manifest [/model: | /file:filename] [/xml]
  axutil set {/installmode | /noinstallmode}
  axutil schema [/aosaccount:account]  [ [/schemaname:name] | [/drop:name] ]
  axutil optimize
  axutil grant /aosaccount:account [/schemaname:name]
  axutil exportstore /file:filename [/verbose]
  axutil importstore {/file:filename [/idconflict:{reject|overwrite}] 
                [[/schemaname:name] | [/backupschema:name]]
                | /apply:schemaname [/backupschema:name] }
                [/verbose] [/noPrompt]
  axutil genlicense /file:licensefile /certificatepath:filepath 
                /licensecode:name /customer:name 
                /serialnumber:number /password:value [/expirationdate:date] 
  axutil idkeep /idfile:idfilename [/renamefile:renamefilename{,renamefilename}] [/verbose] [/noprompt]


   = [/db:database] [/s:server] | [/config[[:aosinstance]:name]
         = model-name | '(' model-name , publisher ')' | model-id
      = {@modelxml | /manifest:=}

English (United States)