Select the default Application Object Tree (AOT) query to use as the starting point for creating policy rules of this policy ...

Select the default Application Object Tree (AOT) query to use as the starting point for creating policy rules of this policy rule type. The query indicates the source document that the policy rule type is defined for. For audit policies, the following queries are used: AuditPolicyExpenseHeader (Expense report) (source document = expense report headers), AuditPolicyExpenseLine (Expense report line) (source document = expense report lines), AuditPolicyExpenseList (Expense report monitored employees) (source document = expense reports) (use this query together with the List search query type to create audit policy rules that evaluate expense reports for specific employees; when you use this option, specify the employees as monitored entities in the Additional options page, and specify the monitored entities in the Audit policy rule page), AuditPolicyKeyword (Expense report header with line) (source document = expense report headers) (policy rules that are based on this query are used to evaluate expense report headers against criteria that is specified on the expense report line; when you use this query, the violations are created against the header, not the individual lines), AuditPolicyPurchLine (Purchase order line) (source document = purchase order lines), AuditPolicyPurchList (Purchase order monitored vendors) (source document = purchase orders) (use this query together with the List search query type to create audit policy rules that evaluate purchase orders for specific vendors; when you use this option, specify the vendor accounts as monitored entities in the Additional options page, and specify the monitored entities in the Audit policy rule page), AuditPolicyPurchTable (Purchase order) (source document = purchase order headers), AuditPolicyPurchTableHeaderLine (Purchase order header with line) (source document = purchase order headers) (policy rules that are based on this query are used to evaluate purchase order headers against criteria that is specified on the purchase order line; when you use this query, the violations are created against the header, not the individual lines), AuditPolicyVendInvoiceHeader (Vendor invoice) (source document = vendor invoice headers), AuditPolicyVendInvoiceHeaderLine (Vendor invoice header with line) (source document = vendor invoice headers) (policy rules that are based on this query are used to evaluate vendor invoice headers against criteria that is specified on the vendor invoice line; when you use this query, the violations are created against the header, not the individual lines), AuditPolicyVendInvoiceLine (Vendor invoice line) (source document = vendor invoice lines), and AuditPolicyVendInvoiceList (Vendor invoice monitored vendors) (source document = vendor invoices) (use this query together with the List search query type to create audit policy rules that evaluate vendor invoices for specific vendors; when you use this option, specify the vendor accounts as monitored entities in the Additional options page, and specify the monitored entities in the Audit policy rule page). For benefit eligibility policies, the following query is used: HcmBenefitEligibilityExpressionSetup (Benefit eligibility) (source document = worker profiles).For premium earning policies, the following query is used: Premium earnings (source document = earnings statement). For vendor invoice policies, the following queries are used: VendInvoicePolicyHeader (Vendor invoice) (source document = invoice headers), VendInvoicePolicyLine (Vendor invoice lines) (source document = invoice lines), and VendInvoicePolicyMiscCharge (Charges) (source document = charges) (when you use this option, specify the charges code to evaluate in the Policy rules page, and specify the criteria in the Charges code page).
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