SMS Status Manager was instructed by a Status Filter Rule to execute program "%1" with command-line arguments "%2" upon receipt ...

%11SMS Status Manager was instructed by a Status Filter Rule to execute program "%1" with command-line arguments "%2" upon receipt of a status message that satisfied the criteria specified by the Status Filter Rule. (Note that for display purposes, the program and command-line arguments were truncated to %3 characters in this message.) Status Manager successfully started the program, but the program was still running after 60 seconds.

Possible cause: The Status Filter Rule specifies a program that runs interactively and the program will not exit until it receives user input. This would happen, for example, if you specified "notepad.exe" as the program.
Solution: First correct the Status Filter Rule to specify a program that runs to completion without requiring user input; this is done by editing the Program box on the Actions tab of the Status Filter Rule Properties page in the SMS Administrator console. (Note that you are not limited to %3 characters in the Program box.) Then verify that the old program is not still running on the site server using the Windows NT Task Manager. If the old program is still running, use End Process in Task Manager to stop it.

Possible cause: The Status Filter Rule specifies a program that takes a long time to run.
Solution: Ignore this message, but consider changing the Status Filter Rule to specify a program that runs quickly. Slow programs, when executed frequently, will slow down the rate at which SMS Status Manager can process status messages, and might cause a large number of running processes to build up on your site server. If too many processes build up, the general performance of the site server might be affected.%0.
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