Unfortunately, the checks are only able to detect problems with messages that were sent in the past 7 days. If you want to ...

Unfortunately, the checks are only able to detect problems with messages that were sent in the past 7 days. If you want to search for a message that was sent in the past 7 days, run the checks again with a more recent date.

If you would like to search for a message sent 7 to 90 days ago, use Message Trace. Follow these instructions to discover what happened to your message.
  1. Go to Message Trace , and fill in the following fields: Date range, Sender, Recipient, Report title, Notification email address.
  2. Choose Search, and the results of the trace will be emailed to you in about an hour. It takes up to an hour because the mail system needs to process through lots of messages.

Contacting support won't be faster than running a message trace yourself.