Exporting Keys: /KEYFORPARENT Dump this site's public key into the file .CT4 at the root of the SMS drive. Copy this file ...

Exporting Keys:

/KEYFORPARENT   Dump this site's public key into the file .CT4 at the root of the SMS drive.  Copy this file to the parent site's hman.box" inbox  (Not "hman.box\pubkey")
/KEYFORCHILD    Dump this site's public key into the file .CT5. Copy this file to the child site's "hman.box" inbox.
/CHILDKEYS      Dump this and all child site's public keys into the file .CT6. Copy this file to the parent site's "hman.box" inbox.
/PARENTKEYS     Dump this and all parent site's public keys into the file .CT7. Copy this file to the children site's "hman.box" inbox.