File [|0] is referenced [|1] times in the database [|2], but exists only under Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 setup folder. Consider upgrading the feature/solution which contains this file to the latest version.
File type extensions must be less than |0 characters in length. Please ensure that all extensions listed are less than |1 ...
File type extensions must consist of the following characters: alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), underscore (_), tilde (~), or ...
File type restriction (a file in this folder is a restricted type). For more information, see "Blocking restricted file types" ...
File was found with serialized cache location but deserialization failed. File found was '%1'. Creating new cache folder. ...
File |0 is referenced |1 times in the database |2], but exists only under Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 setup folder. ...
File |0 is referenced |1 times in the database |2], but exists only under Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 setup folder. Consider ...
File |0 is referenced |1 times in the database |2], but exists only under Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 setup folder. Consider ...
File |0 is referenced |1 times in the database |2], but is not installed on the current farm. Please install any feature/solution ...
Files for Help Collection are missing or are in wrong format. There needs to be a Manifest .Xml file, or a .Cab that contains ...