The CompressionMethod property is a free form string indicating the algorithm or tool used to compress the logical file. If it is not possible (or not desired) to describe the compression scheme (perhaps because it is not known), use the following words: \"Unknown\" to represent that it is not known whether the logical file is compressed or not, \"Compressed\" to represent that the file is compressed but either its compression scheme is not known or not disclosed, and \"Not Compressed\" to represent that the logical file is not compressed.
The Compress method compresses the logical file (or directory) specified in the object path. Compress returns an integer ...
The Compressed property indicates whether the logical volume exists as a single compressed entity, such as a DoubleSpace ...
The CompressEx method compresses the logical file (or directory) specified in the object path. CompressEx returns an integer ...
The Compression property specifies whether hardware data compression is enabled or disabled. Values: 1 (true) or 0 (false). ...
The CompressionMethod property is a free form string indicating the algorithm or tool used to compress the logical file. ...
The computed account identifier is invalid because it is out of the range of the current account-identifier pool belonging ...
The computer "{0}" does not contain the listed group(s). To use the virtual machine on this computer, remove the group membership(s) ...
The computer "{0}" does not support a RemoteFX 3D video adapter. To use the virtual machine on this computer, remove the ...
The computer "{0}" does not support a RemoteFX 3D video adapter. To use the virtual machine on this computer, remove the ...