Returns the remainder (modulus) resulting when a number is divided by a divisor. The result has the same sign as the divisor. A #DIV/0! error is returned if the divisor is 0.
Returns the node currently being processed. The current node generally differs from the context node when within a predicate. ...
Returns the number of line segments that make up the path defined in a geometry section. The geometry section is specified ...
Returns the point along the path defined in a geometry section that is nearest the specified coordinates. The geometry section ...
Returns the red component of a color. The return value is an integer in the range of 0 to 255, inclusive. The input is an ...
Returns the remainder (modulus) resulting when a number is divided by a divisor. The result has the same sign as the divisor. ...
Returns the segment containing a point on the path defined in a geometry section. The geometry section is specified by referencing ...
Returns the shortest distance from the specified coordinates to a point on the path defined in a geometry section. The geometry ...
Returns the substring at the zero-based location index in the list delimited by delimiter. Or, it returns -1 if not found. ...
Returns the tangent angle of a point on the path defined in a geometry section. The geometry section is specified by referencing ...