The script used when user has not published routing data was not found in the configuration or failed to load. Name='%1' version='%2' Resolution: Correct the configuration file, and resolve any previous errors related to script loading.
The requested certificate was successfully submitted and automatically enrolled and stored in the local certificate store ...
The role-based access control (RBAC) role '{0}' cannot contain '{1}', because '{1}' is not a Lync Server cmdlet. Only Lync ...
The roles in the topology and the installed roles do not match. Run Bootstrapper to update the roles installed on this computer. ...
The Routing Data Sync Agent has completed a sync cycle with: %1], Succeeded: %2], Duration: %3], ModifiedBatchCount: %4], ...
The script used when user has not published routing data was not found in the configuration or failed to load. Name='%1' ...
The server %1 is configured as the default federation route but it is not a known configured server. Ignore this warning ...
The server %1 is configured as the next hop for the static route %2 but that server has not been configured. Check the 'Topology' ...
The server '%1:%2' is the new next hop on the Access Edge Server. Number of outgoing connections: %3. Maximum incoming connections ...
The server certificate store for holding partner certificates is full. The number of certificates written to the store (%1) ...