Automatically configuring Hyper-V Replica broker resource on a cluster with a static IP network adapter, or without all cluster adapters configured to use DHCP, isn't supported.
An update from Microsoft Azure Site Recovery Provider for virtual machine %VMName; (%ID;) adapter couldn't be processed. ...
An update from Microsoft Azure Site Recovery Provider for virtual machine %VMName; (%ID;) couldn't be processed. Failure ...
Automatically configuring Hyper-V Replica broker resource on a cluster with a static IP network adapter, or if all cluster ...
Automatically configuring Hyper-V Replica broker resource on a cluster with a static IP network adapter, or on a cluster ...
Automatically configuring Hyper-V Replica broker resource on a cluster with a static IP network adapter, or without all cluster ...
Automation runbook '%RunbookName;' stopped running because the Azure Automation Account was not reachable. It is either deleted ...
Azure Site Recovery expects the primary virtual machine '%VMName;' ('%ID;') to be in state '%ExpectedPrimaryState;', but ...
Azure Site Recovery expects the recovery virtual machine '%VMName;' ('%ID;') to be in state '%ExpectedRecoveryState;', but ...
Azure Site Recovery provider will be associated with Hyper-V. You can enable protection for VMs under Hyper-V on this machine ...