EXPLANATION This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed ...

EXPLANATION    This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.  The workstation's main information segment is larger than  the largest segment that can be allocated.    ACTION    Decrease the values for one or more of the following entries in the [workstation] section of the configuration file. If you need assistance, contact your network administrator.         MAXCMDS       NUMCHARBUF     NUMWORKBUF       MAXTHREADS    NUMDGRAMBUF    SIZCHARBUF     NUMALERTS     NUMSERVICES    SIZERROR    After you change the configuration file, restart the Workstation service. If you change the MAXCMDS or MAXTHREADS entry, you will have to restart the computer.
English (United States)