Select the formula that is used to calculate a column by using other already columns that have been created. During calculation, ...

Select the formula that is used to calculate a column by using other already columns that have been created. During calculation, #1 and #2 will be replaced by the currently specified columns Column 1 and Column 2. The following options are available: #1-#2 (the difference between the columns marked in Column 1 and Column 2), #1+#2 (the sum of the columns marked in Column 1 and Column 2), #1+...+#2 (the sum of the interval of columns marked in Column 1 and Column 2), #1*#2 (the product of the columns marked in Column 1 and Column 2), #1/#2 (the ratio of the columns marked in Column 1 and Column 2), #1/#2 % (the ratio of the columns marked in Column 1 and Column 2, calculated as a percentage), (#1-#2)/#2 % (the difference between the columns marked in Column 1 and Column 2, as a percentage of the column marked in Column 2), and (#1-#2)/#1 % (the difference between the columns marked in Column 1 and Column 2, as a percentage of the column marked in Column 1).
English (United States)