ID3152: The WS-Trust message has an empty 'OnBehalfOf' element. The 'OnBehalfOf' element must either contain a SecurityToken or SecurityTokenReference as its child element.
ID3140: Specify one or more BaseAddresses to enable metadata or set DisableWsdl to true in the SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration. ...
ID3141: The RequestType '{0}', is not supported. If you need to support this RequestType, override the corresponding virtual ...
ID3150: Cannot find an output message type for PortType '({0}, {1})' for operation '{2}' in the given ServiceDescription. ...
ID3151: The WS-Trust message has an empty 'RenewTarget' element. The 'RenewTarget' element must either contain a valid SecurityToken ...
ID3152: The WS-Trust message has an empty 'OnBehalfOf' element. The 'OnBehalfOf' element must either contain a SecurityToken ...
ID3153: The WS-Trust message has an empty 'ActAs'. The element must have a SecurityToken or SecurityTokenReference as its ...
ID3154: The WS-Trust message has an empty 'KeySize' element. The element must specify a valid key size for the requested ...
ID3155: The WS-Trust message has an empty 'UseKey' element. The element must specify a valid SecurityTokenReference to the ...
ID3156: The WS-Trust message has an empty 'InformationCardReference'. The element must contain a valid reference to an InformationCard. ...