Detects about to expire certificates stored in SPF. SPF will post an event when a certificate being used to authenticate is about to expire.
ConverterReader or TextWriter cannot be used as output with this converter because the converter produces byte output. Use ...
ConverterReader or TextWriter cannot be used as output with this converter. This converter produces byte output (use Stream). ...
ConverterWriter or TextReader cannot be used as input with this converter because the converter accepts byte input. Use Stream. ...
ConverterWriter or TextReader cannot be used as input with this converter. This converter accepts byte input (use Stream). ...
Detects about to expire certificates stored in SPF. SPF will post an event when a certificate being used to authenticate ...
Detects expired certificates stored in SPF. SPF will post an event when a certificate being used to authenticate has expired. ...
Entity {0} update failed due to a more recent version on the server. The local instance has been replaced with the more recent, ...
Failed to delete instance of SpfUsageRecord with Id = {0} from the database. Exception message: {1} Exception stack: {2} ...
Failed to delete instance of SpfUsageRecordProperty with Id = {0} from the database. Exception message: {1} Exception stack: ...