Usage: ssms.exe -S server_name[\instance_name -d database -U user -P password -E -nosplash file_name[, file_name]* -? -S ...


ssms.exe [-S server_name[\instance_name]] [-d database] [-U user]
         [-P password] [-E] [-nosplash] [file_name[, file_name]*] [-?]

[-S  The name of the SQL Server instance to connect to]
[-d  The name of the SQL Server database to connect to]
[-E]  Use Windows Authentication to login to SQL Server
[-U  The name of the SQL Server login to connect with]
[-P  The password associated with the login]
[-nosplash] Suppress splash screen
[file_name[, file_name]*] Names of files to load
[-?]  Displays this usage information