This setting allows you to load a specific visual style file by entering the path (location) of the visual style file. This ...

"This setting allows you to load a specific visual style file by entering the path (location) of the visual style file.

This can be a local computer visual style (Luna.msstyles), or a file located on a remote server using a UNC path (\\Server\Share\luna.msstyles).

If you enable this setting, the visual style file that you specify will be used. Also, a user may not choose to use a different visual style.

If you disable or do not configure this setting, the users can select the visual style that they want to use for their desktop.

Note: If this setting is enabled and the file is not available at user logon, the default visual style is loaded.

Note: When running Windows XP, you can select the Luna visual style by typing %windir%
esources	hemes\Luna\Luna.msstyles

Note: To select the Windows Classic visual style, leave the box blank beside "Path to Visual Style:" and enable this setting."
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