(!XDOCS_APP_SHORT_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) cannot submit the form, because it contains validation errors. Errors are marked with either a red asterisk (required fields) or a red, dashed border (invalid values).
XDOCS_APP_SHORT_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) cannot send this form as an email message because of an error. To send this form to an ...
XDOCS_APP_SHORT_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) cannot start the email program. Make sure that your email program is set up correctly and ...
XDOCS_APP_SHORT_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) cannot submit the form because it contains validation errors that are not in the current ...
XDOCS_APP_SHORT_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) cannot submit the form because it has not finished opening and it is attempting to submit ...
XDOCS_APP_SHORT_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) cannot submit the form, because it contains validation errors. Errors are marked with either ...
XDOCS_APP_SHORT_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) cannot submit this form as an email message because of an error. To send this form to an ...
XDOCS_APP_SHORT_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) cannot submit to the following location: %1!s!The form template has insufficient security ...
XDOCS_APP_SHORT_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) contacted a data source but failed to receive data. The form may be missing some data. ...
XDOCS_APP_SHORT_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) could not export the following form because it was either created from a different form ...