Usage: %s (-ia|-ua|-r)|((-i|-u) -c: ) -v|-q -nologo -h -ia Install all components -ua Uninstall all components -r Repairs ...

    %s [(-ia|-ua|-r)|((-i|-u) -c:)] [-v|-q] [-nologo] [-h] 
    Install all components 
    Uninstall all components 
    Repairs all components 
    Install components specified with -c 
    Uninstall components specified with -c 
    Install/uninstall a component: 
      httpnamespace        - HTTP namespace reservation 
      tcpportsharing       - TCP port sharing service 
      tcpactivation        - TCP activation service 
      namedpipeactivation  - Named pipe activation service 
      msmqactivation       - MSMQ activation service 
      etw                  - ETW event tracing manifests (Windows Vista or later) 
    Can be used to install several components at the same time 
    Quiet mode (only error logging) 
    Verbose mode 
    Suppress the copyright and banner message 
    Displays this help text. 
    %s -ia 
      Installs all components 
    %s -i -c:httpnamespace -c:etw 
      Installs HTTP namespace reservation and ETW manifests 
    %s -u -c:etw 
      Uninstalls ETW manifests 
    %s -r 
      Repairs the installation