The Web Site Map template requires Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher to run. Please consult the ReadMe file for information about installing Internet Explorer.
The version of Visio on this machine cannot load files from HTTP or FTP sources. Please copy the file to your hard drive ...
The Visio 5.0 Project Timeline file contains invalid information. To upgrade to a Microsoft Visio 2002 Gantt Chart, export ...
The Visio driver you choose determines the type of database you can connect to and the options available. A data source specifies ...
The Visio Shape contains Vertical Asian Text. This is not supported in AutoCAD and will be converted into simpler Vertical ...
The Web Site Map template requires Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher to run. Please consult the ReadMe file for information ...
There are %1!d! filters applied for this column or level but this dialog box can only display %2!d! filters. To edit filters ...
There are one or more invalid constraints on this fact. They are not supported by the Fact Editor. Would you like them automatically ...
There are very few distinct values for the example columns %s. Consider creating a nested object type to represent this data. ...
There is already a frequency constraint over the same roles as this one. Press OK to replace its contents with new values. ...