Internal event: The attempt to retrieve the group memberships for a batch of users failed. The error is %1. The attempt will be retried.
Internal event: The Active Directory database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining. Free hard disk ...
Internal event: The Active Directory replication dispatcher timed out after 30 minutes. User Action If this continues to ...
Internal event: The attempt to delete outdated Active Directory performance counters failed. This operation will be tried ...
Internal Event: The attempt to prepare the Active Directory Database for a possible future disk restoration has failed. Additional ...
Internal event: The attempt to retrieve the group memberships for a batch of users failed. The error is %1. The attempt will ...
Internal event: The attribute of the following object was not sent to the following domain controller because its up-to-dateness ...
Internal event: The attribute of the following object was sent to the following domain controller. Attribute: %1 Object: ...
Internal event: The auxiliary class identifier for the following schema class is not valid. Auxiliary class identifier: %3 ...
Internal event: The auxiliary schema class identifier %1 (class name %2) derives from structural schema class identifier ...