DESCRIPTION: Moves a folder (link) to another location in the namespace. When you specify a folder that contains other folders, ...

Moves a folder (link) to another location in the namespace. When you 
specify a folder that contains other folders, all subfolders
are moved as well. If a folder already exists in the new location, you can
use the Replace option to delete the existing folder and replace it with the
folder you want to move. You cannot move folders between namespaces.


         : The UNC path of the folder to move.
         : The UNC path of the new location in the namespace for 
                       the folder.
Replace              : Replaces an existing folder with the folder that you
                       are moving.

Dfsutil Link Move \\
amespace1\data \\
Dfsutil Link Move \\SRV1
amespace1\docs \\SRV1