Description - List the IntelliTrace collection status details along with process Ids for all application pools and their ...

List the IntelliTrace collection status details along with process Ids for all application pools and their related processes on the server.

ApplicationPool    : DefaultAppPool
ProcessId          : 2160
ProcessStartTime   : 12/9/2011 8:42:18 AM
CollectionPlanPath : C:\Windows	emp\defaultapppool_collection_plan.ASP.NET.trace.xml
TracePath          : C:\CAB\w3wp_00000870_111209_084218.iTrace

ApplicationPool    : DefaultAppPool
ProcessId          : 4560
ProcessStartTime   : 12/9/2011 8:42:18 AM
CollectionPlanPath : C:\Windows	emp\defaultapppool_collection_plan.ASP.NET.trace.xml
TracePath          : C:\CAB\w3wp_000011d0_111209_084218.iTrace

ApplicationPool    : DefaultAppPool
ProcessId          : 3152
ProcessStartTime   : 12/9/2011 8:42:18 AM
CollectionPlanPath : C:\Windows	emp\defaultapppool_collection_plan.ASP.NET.trace.xml
TracePath          : C:\CAB\w3wp_00000c50_111209_084218.iTrace

ApplicationPool    : Classic .NET AppPool
ProcessId          :
ProcessStartTime   :
CollectionPlanPath :
TracePath          :

ApplicationPool    : ASP.NET v4.0
ProcessId          : 4212
ProcessStartTime   : 12/9/2011 8:41:30 AM
CollectionPlanPath :
TracePath          :

ApplicationPool    : ASP.NET v4.0 Classic
ProcessId          :
ProcessStartTime   :
CollectionPlanPath :
TracePath          :