The comparator to use, and values to compare Fqdn with. The first element is the comparator {EQ, NE, Isl, Insl}, and subsequent ...

The comparator to use, and values to compare Fqdn with.  The first element is the comparator {EQ, NE, Isl, Insl}, and subsequent elements are values. For comparators Isl and Insl only a blank value is admissible.

If comparators EQ or NE are used:
If the last character in a value-element is an asterisk (*), the subsequent characters are treated as wild-cards for the comparison. If the first character in a value-element is an asterisk (*), the preceding characters are treated as wild cards for comparison.
Values can again be followed by another Comparator (EQ/NE) which is followed by another set of values.
Input format is a string.
The values following the EQ operator will be treated as multiple assertions which are ORed.
The values following the NE operator will be treated as multiple assertions which are ANDed.