This version of Visual Studio does not support debugging x86 .NET native compilation code. Debug using the x64 build configuration.
This version of the Visual Studio Remote Debugger does not support this operation. Please upgrade to the latest version. ...
This version of the Visual Studio Remote Debugger does not support this operation. Please upgrade to the latest version. ...
This version of Visual Studio can expand groups only when their contents exist in the graph. Open this graph with the source ...
This version of Visual Studio does not support debugging code that uses Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0. Use Visual Studio ...
This version of Visual Studio does not support debugging x86 .NET native compilation code. Debug using the x64 build configuration. ...
This version of Visual Studio is !$![Win81PreRelBlockFwlinkId]&clcid=[clcid],not compatible!@! ...
This version of Visual Studio is unable to open the following projects. The project types may not be installed or this version ...
This version of Visual Studio requires a computer with a !$![MinOsLevelFwlinkId]&clcid=[clcid],newer ...
This version of Visual Studio requires a computer with a !$![WinBlueFwlinkId]&clcid=[clcid],newer ...