Release a specified piece of media from a drive. RSM DISMOUNT /L[G|F | /P[G|F /O[DEFERRED The /[L|P]G option should be used ...

Release a specified piece of media from a drive.  RSM DISMOUNT   /L[G|F] | /P[G|F]  [/O[DEFERRED]]  The /[L|P]G option should be used when the LogicalMediaID,  or PartitionID is supplied as a GUID.  The /[L|P]F option should be used when the LogicalMediaID,  or PartitionID is supplied as a friendly name.  /O options: The following option may be used (not required). DEFERRED:   Marks media as dismountable but keeps media in the drive.              Default is to dismount immediately from the drive.