Creates a RAID-5 volume using three or more specified dynamic disks. Syntax: CREATE VOLUME RAID SIZE= DISK= , , , ,. ALIGN= ...

Creates a RAID-5 volume using three or more specified dynamic disks.  Syntax:  CREATE VOLUME RAID [SIZE=] DISK=,,[,[,...]] [ALIGN=]             [NOERR]      SIZE=    The amount of disk space, in megabytes (MB), that the volume                 will occupy on each disk. If no size is given, the largest                 possible RAID-5 volume will be created. The disk with the                 smallest available contiguous free space determines the size                 for the RAID-5 volume and the same amount of space is allocated                 from each disk. The actual amount of usable disk space in the                 RAID-5 volume is less than the combined amount of disk space                 because some of the disk space is required for parity.      DISK=,,[,[,...]]                  The dynamic disks on which to create the RAID-5 volume. You                 need at least three dynamic disks in order to create a RAID-5                 volume. An amount of space equal to the size specified in                 SIZE= is allocated on each disk.      ALIGN=   Typically used with hardware RAID Logical Unit Number (LUN)                 arrays to improve performance. Aligns all volume or partition                 extents to the closest alignment boundary. N is the number of                 kilobytes (KB) from the beginning of the disk to the closest                 alignment boundary.      NOERR       For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart                 continues to process commands as if the error did not occur.                 Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit                 with an error code.      After you create the volume, the focus automatically shifts to the new     volume.  Example:      CREATE VOLUME RAID SIZE=1000 DISK=1,2,3
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