Modify the grouping formats that can be applied to views such as the Project and Resource center. When you create various Project Web App views (Manage Views), you can select which grouping format you want to apply to the view.
Modify or make derivative works of your submission for the purposes of testing your submission prior to distribution on Microsoft's ...
Modify or remove existing shortcuts to Microsoft Office applications, or add new shortcuts to Microsoft Office applications ...
Modify the Data View based on data values received from another Web Part. These data values may be used by both the data ...
Modify the Data View based on the contents of another Web Part. The values can be passed as parameters to the data source. ...
Modify the grouping formats that can be applied to views such as the Project and Resource center. When you create various ...
Modify the settings that are used to connect to this Service Application and make this Service Application available outside ...
Modify your |0 account by changing the information below. Clicking ok will contact your provider and configure your account ...
Modifying the (!idspnOneNote) cache file location is not recommended. Any unsynced changes will be lost. It should only be ...
module_text,procedure,type_text!Returns the register ID of the specified dynamic link library (DLL) or code resource that ...