Description: Used to convert an existing RIS RIPrep image to WIM format for deployment via the WDS client. Syntax: WDSUTIL ...

Description: Used to convert an existing RIS RIPrep image to WIM format for              deployment via the WDS client.  Syntax: WDSUTIL [Options] /Convert-RiPrepImage /FilePath:      /DestinationImage          /FilePath:          [/Name:]          [/Description:]          [/InPlace]          [/Overwrite:{Yes | No | Append}]  /FilePath:       Specify the full path and filename of                                      the .sif file that corresponds to the                                      RIPrep image. This file is normally                                      called riprep.sif and can be found in                                      the 	emplates sub-folder of the folder                                      containing the RIPrep image. /DestinationImage     /FilePath:   Specify the full file path and filename                                      where the new converted image should be                                      created. This includes the name of the                                      resulting WIM file - for example,                                      "C:	emp\convert.WIM."     [/Name:]                   Sets the display name of the image. If                                      not specified, the display name of the                                      source image will be used.     [/Description:]     Sets the description for the image.     [/InPlace]                       Specifies that the conversion should                                      take place on the original RIPrep image                                      and not on a copy of the original, as                                      is the default behavior.     [/Overwrite:{Yes | No | Append}] Determines whether the file as                                      specified in /DestinationImage should                                      be overwritten if an existing file with                                      that name already exists. If yes,                                      the existing file will be overwritten.                                      If no, the process will error if a file                                      with the same name exists. Append                                      indicates that if a WIM file with the                                      same name already, exists the generated                                      image should be appended as a new image                                      within the existing WIM file. The                                      default value is 'No'.   EXAMPLES: --------- WDSUTIL /Convert-RiPrepImage /FilePath:"R:
emoteInstall\Setup\English \Images\Win2k3.SP1\i386	emplates
iprep.sif" /DestinationImage /FilePath:"C:	emp
IPREP.wim"  WDSUTIL /Verbose /Progress /Convert-RiPrepImage /FilePath:"\\Server 
emInst\Setup\English\Images\WinXP.SP2\i386	emplates
iprep.sif" /DestinationImage /FilePath:"\\Server\Share
IPREP.wim" /Name:"WindowsXP image" /Description:"Converted RIPREP image of WindowsXP" /Overwrite:Append