Overwrite the existing query or type a different name to save a new query. Each query consists of criteria, sorting, and column customizations.
out`o`path|dsn!log`Path of the output log file or the DSN and log set name in a SQL database. The default path is '%systemdrive%\PerfLogs\Admin'. ...
Overload detected. The microphone level is likely too high. Note: microphones with automatic gain control cannot be used ...
Overrides CheckForSignatureBeforeRunningScan. Aborts any service-initiated update if signature was updated successfully within ...
Overturn blank squares and avoid those that conceal hidden mines in this simple game of memory and reasoning. Once you click ...
Overwrite the existing query or type a different name to save a new query. Each query consists of criteria, sorting, and ...
Owner of the log file or directory %2 is invalid. This could be because another user has already created the log file or ...
Ownership of the following FSMO role is not set or could not be read. Operations which require contacting a FSMO operation ...
Ownership of the following FSMO role is set to a server which is deleted or does not exist. Operations which require contacting ...
Ownership of the following FSMO role is set to a server which is deleted or does not exist. Operations which require contacting ...