A PivotTable on the range you are copying is connected to an embedded data source. Excel will copy the embedded data to |. Depending on the size of the embedded data, this operation could take a long time.
A PivotTable in this workbook has fields in compact form. In earlier versions of Excel, this layout will be changed to tabular ...
A PivotTable in this workbook has what-if analysis turned on. Any unpublished what-if changes will be lost in earlier versions ...
A PivotTable in this workbook will not work in versions prior to Excel 2007. Only PivotTables that are created in Compatibility ...
A PivotTable on the range you are copying is connected to an embedded data source and | already has embedded data with the ...
A PivotTable on the range you are copying is connected to an embedded data source. Excel will copy the embedded data to |. ...
A PivotTable or data connection in this workbook contains server settings which do not exist in earlier versions of Excel. ...
A PivotTable or Data Connection that supports analysis of multiple tables exists in this workbook and will be lost if it ...
A PivotTable style is applied to a PivotTable in this workbook. PivotTable style formatting cannot be displayed in earlier ...
A set cannot be added to the PivotTable report at the same time as another set based on the same field(s).Click OK to add ...