Adjusts or corrects the intensity of an image for a particular output device, such as a monitor or scanner. The default value is 1 (no correction).
Adjust the report layout. The compact form optimizes for small size when placed in a dashboard. The tabular form is better ...
Adjust the security level for opening files that might contain macro viruses and specify the names of trusted macro developers. ...
Adjust the security level for opening files that might contain macro viruses, and specify the names of trusted macro developers. ...
Adjust the z-index to bring forward or send backward the selected tag or element. The higher number, the further forward ...
Adjusts or corrects the intensity of an image for a particular output device, such as a monitor or scanner. The default value ...
Adjusts the brightness of a bitmap image. Decrease brightness of an image by entering a value between 0% and 49%, or increase ...
Adjusts the contrast of a bitmap image. Decrease the contrast of an image by entering a value between 0% and 49%, or increase ...
Admin Command Handler failed to impersonate Service Application account. This likely happened due to the Domain controller ...
Administration component in SearchApplication {0} is standalone. Topology change is not allowed on Search Application with ...