Crops the image by the specified Left, Top, Right, and Bottom margins. Left - Set the Left property to the left margin (in ...

Crops the image by the specified Left, Top, Right, and Bottom margins.

Left       - Set the Left property to the left margin (in pixels)
             if you wish to crop along the left, otherwise 0 [the default]
Top        - Set the Top property to the top margin (in pixels)
             if you wish to crop along the top, otherwise 0 [the default]
Right      - Set the Right property to the right margin (in pixels)
             if you wish to crop along the right, otherwise 0 [the default]
Bottom     - Set the Bottom property to the bottom margin (in pixels)
             if you wish to crop along the bottom, otherwise 0 [the default]
FrameIndex - Set the FrameIndex property to the index of a frame if you
             wish to modify a frame other than the ActiveFrame,
             otherwise 0 [the default]