DEVICE ADDITIONAL OPTIONS The following types apply to device additional options entries. For information about data formats ...

DEVICE ADDITIONAL OPTIONS  The following types apply to device additional options entries. For information about data formats for these types, run "bcdedit /? FORMATS".  The following options are valid for the device additional options entry: Ramdisk =======      EXPORTASCD (bool)               Enables exporting the RAM disk as a CD.     RAMDISKIMAGELENGTH (integer)    Defines the image length for the RAM disk.     RAMDISKIMAGEOFFSET (integer)    Defines the image offset for the RAM disk.     RAMDISKSDIDEVICE (device)       Defines the device on which the SDI file is                                     located.     RAMDISKSDIPATH (string)         Defines the path to the SDI file.     RAMDISKTFTPCLIENTPORT (integer) Defines the Trivial File Transfer Protocol                                     (TFTP) client port for the RAM disk Windows                                     Imaging (WIM) file.