The status that is assigned to the CMR file during the import process. The following values are used: New (the file is a ...

The status that is assigned to the CMR file during the import process. The following values are used: New (the file is a newly uploaded file), In progress (the import process has been started but is not yet complete), Pending approval (the file is in review, but has not yet been approved or rejected), Succeeded (the products in the file were uploaded, and no errors occurred), Succeeded with warnings (the products in the file were uploaded, but errors occurred for one or more of the products; to view detailed information about the status of a file, click Event log; if you enabled the vendor catalog for automated approval, you may frequently see this status for the CMR file, because there is no manual review of the products that the vendor submits), and Failed (the file could not be uploaded; to view detailed information about the status of a file, click Event log).
English (United States)