To create a back-up copy of the report server encryption key: RSKeyMgmt -e -i -f -p To restore a back-up copy of the report ...

To create a back-up copy of the report server encryption key:
RSKeyMgmt -e [-i ] -f  -p 

To restore a back-up copy of the report server encryption key:
RSKeyMgmt -a [-i ] -f  -p 

To reencrypt secure information using a new key:
RSKeyMgmt -s [-i ]

To reset the report server encryption key and delete all encrypted content:
RSKeyMgmt -d [-i ]

To list the announced report servers in the report server database:
RSKeyMgmt -l [-i ]

To remove a specific installation from a scale-out deployment:
RSKeyMgmt -r  [-i ]

To join a remote machine to the same scale-out deployment as the local machine:
RSKeyMgmt -j [-i ] -m 
          [-n ] [-u  -v ]