To delete the current value of the specified option for the specified reservation in the current scope DHCP server. Syntax: ...

To delete the current value of the specified option for the specified reservation 
in the current scope DHCP server.  
          delete reservedoptionvalue   [vendor=VendorClass] 
        ReservedIp     - IPv6 Address of the reservation whose option value 
                         we need to delete. 
        OptCode        - ID of the Global option whose value is to be 
        UserClass      - The user class name with which the option is   
                         associated. Tag user= must be provided. The 
                         default is the global UserName set by using 
                         Set userclass. This is valid for Windows Server 2008.
        VendorClass    - The vendor class name with which the option 
                         is associated. Tag vendor= must be 
                         provided. The default is the global 
                         VendorName set by using Set 
                         vendorclass. This is valid for Windows Server 2008. 
Notes:         For parameters,  indicate a required 
               parameter and [braces] an optional parameter. 
Example:       delete optionvalue 3ffe::78 18  
               This command deletes the current value of the option type with code 18 
               corresponding to the reservation for the address 3ffe::78.