IPAM helps you to manage IP addresses on your network by discovering and monitoring IP address usage, and providing a management ...

IPAM helps you to manage IP addresses on your network by discovering and monitoring IP address usage, and providing a management interface for administrators. IP address space is organized into larger segments called IP Address Blocks, from which you can carve out smaller segments called IP Address Ranges for allocating addresses to devices on the network. You can also customize the way that IP address ranges are displayed by organizing them into IP Address Range Groups. IP Address Inventory is a built-in group provided by IPAM that has IP addresses organized by device type. Detailed tracking and utilization data can be displayed for individual IP address ranges, custom logical groups, or entire IP address blocks. IPv4 and IPv6 address range data is automatically discovered and displayed for all active DHCP scopes that are configured on managed DHCP servers. If IP addresses and IP address ranges are provided by non-managed or non-Microsoft devices, IPAM also allows you to manage these addresses and address ranges by adding or importing IP address related data manually.